Finally the Holiday is over... Lol I feel like it was the longest three days ever.
Well back to today's post, I'm excited to introduce to you the latest fashion entrepreneurs we have in the Industry. It's all about sharing ideas and encouraging one another.
Today we'll meet the brain behind the 'IwearAsika' collection.
Let's get started
(1) Hi dear, please introduce yourself
Hello, I'm miss Onyinyechi Ilobi. I'm a graduate of Environmental biology and also a tailor/fashion entrepreneur.
(2) What is your brand name and what do you have to offer the fashion industry?
My brand name is 'iWearAsika' and it's run by my sister and I. We dress our clients in clothes that meet high standards with top notch finishing and style appeal. Customer satisfaction is key in what we do here at iWearAsika.
(3) When did you discover your passion and what can you say inspired it?
About my passion, I can't really say exactly when it started but I noticed I was becoming so interested in clothes and how to style them. But I didn't take it seriously until a friend of mine suggested I should actually work on it during my university days.
(4) How long have you been in the Industry?
I've been in the fashion industry for almost a year now. We started production early 2016.
(5) Any word for beginners and your fellow designers?
The fashion industry is so wide and diverse that you can't really exhaust ideas. Even one idea can be replicated in a million different ways and I think that makes it more interesting. Basically,the industry is big enough for everyone. So if you're interested, please start doing something.
(6) Please where can we find you?
iWearAsika is located at Suite 43, Okanga Plaza, Wuye, Abuja. We are also on Instagram @i.wear.asika
Thank you very much darling.
Wow! I think the Nigerian fashion industry will soon top the list if we have more great minds like that of Miss Ilobi.
You'll agree with me that both tailors and clients need to keep up with this series, you never know who we'll have next. You might just find out a great designer close to you.
PS: If you'll love to be featured on this series, send a mail to
Tell your friends to tell their friends let's show what we have to the world *wink*
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