Yay I can't believe it's a year already *dancing*
Happy New month lovelies!!
I'm super excited since my hair just completed 1year. Let me share my hair story with you all with the hope that it inspires someone.
PS: my hair growth pictures are just at the end of the post. 

Why I turned natural:
My dear, I had the worst hair ever. I'm for real, like my hair was very strong, itchy scalp, ugly hair colour. It won't even relax. I was literally hiding it under weaves.

How long did I transition:
I tried transitioning for 6 months and it was going well until my itchy scalp got worse.. I couldn't sleep at night so I had to chop it all off and start afresh.

Combating itchy scalp:
I made aloe vera juice, tea tree oil and ACV my best friends. I used them for basically every wash day routine.

Combating dry hair:
Thank God for whoever discovered the LOC method, baby girl that stuff works like fire. It didn't just start working the first time I tried it. No love, but I continued and saw results.

Retaining length:
I don't even know about this one, all I know is I totally reduced the rate at which I comb my hair. Plus protective styling for the win. *whoop whoop*

My routine:
Co wash my hair every weekend when I'm not on PS.
Wash with shampoo once a month and deep condition.
ACV rinse whenever I remember *coversface*
I also recently did the inversion method. If you follow my bbm channel you'll see all the tips for doing this there

Just be patient with your hair and listen to her needs, it'll definitely grow.

Thank you darling for reading.. If you have any question I'll be glad to answer.

May your July be awesome XOXO


QCO (...queen of kings) said...

What's ps?

Anonymous said...

Protective Styling

Unknown said...

Protective style not protective styling

jede said...

Nice one,please what's lOC and aCV. Tryna transition mysef an I need to know what products to get. Thanks babes

The evolving woman said...

LOC means liquid, oil and cream.
ACV is apple cider vinegar.
There are a lot of wonderful products... If you have hard hair like mine, cantu products will be nice for you

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