Hi hi!  hope you're all fine.

We all know how difficult it is to get a silk bonnet that's beautiful just the way you want it to be. It's either too plain or Ol black that we're tired of seeing. I mean can't a girl go to sleep in beautiful prints??
Well, I thank God for DIYs *raise those hands in praise* as we get right into it.

 What you need:
- 1/2 yard of silk or satin of your choice
- Small or big Elastic band depending on the width you want for your bonnet band.
*measure out the length you need by wrapping it round your head
- Safety pins or Bobby pins (I used safety pin)
- Scissors
- Needle and thread or use your sewing machine


  How to;

 - fold the fabric into two along the longest side.

- form small triangles at the edges of the square.

- fold over the edges to form a tunnel all round. *like shown below..  

- pin it down to ensure it stays in place
- sew the edges to hold the tunnel in place permanently while leaving one of the triangles open.
* you can use either your machine or a threaded needle 
- attach your safety pin to the edge of your elastic band.
- using the safety pin as a guide, push the elastic band through the tunnel starting from the open end and tie at the end or sew it down.
- Close the open edge and trim out the excess from the other edge

Voila!! there you go guys our bonnet is ready. It took less than 1hour to make this. I hope you give it a try.
*don't mind me acting shy lol!!
There you go guys.. I hope this was helpful
You can drop your requests in the comment box.
Till next time xoxo


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